After writing my recent series 5 Reasons to  Acclimate to Running in the Heat, 5 Tips to Help You Acclimate to Running in the Heat, and How to Keep Your Electrolytes Balanced in the Heat, I was posed with a great question. What about my morning coffee? Since caffeine is known to be a diuretic, will it negatively impact my ability to stay hydrated in the heat?

Well the answer is yes and no! Ha! Not what you wanted to hear right? Actually it’s really not complicated. No, if you are using common sense and practicing the tips I recommended to help you acclimate to running in the heat, a cup of joe in the morning prior to your run won’t hurt you. Just be mindful that you are also hydrating with water and electrolytes. For every 8 ounces of caffeine you drink you loose 16 ounces of water. It’s imperative that increase your water intake to accommodate for you loose from both caffeine and running in the heat.

But since the question has been raised, let’s get really honest on our caffeine consumption. Consuming caffeine throughout the day can cause you to become dehydrated. Do you need a jolt a few hours post run and then another pick me up in the afternoon? Everyday? Your body may be telling you it needs more rest. Don’t ignore the signs! Being on the go all the time is not good for you and ultimately your running will suffer as a result. Not only will your runs feel sluggish, but rest is essential for your body to repair itself.

Burning the candle at both ends will lead to illness and injuries. Too much caffeine may help keep you functioning during the daytime, but it can keep you from getting good quality of sleep at night. Before you know it you can get caught up in a vicious cycle of too little sleep and increased caffeine consumption and then you start to feel sick and tired all the time.

To break the cycle, don’t try to go cold turkey. Instead, make small and gradual changes. Try replacing your afternoon cup of joe with a cup of green tea. Enjoy it either hot or served over ice with lemon. You can add a couple of drops of stevia if you prefer sweet tea. Also drink 8 ounces of water first and see if this helps to make your feel more alert. Try not to consume any caffeine after 4 pm to keep it from interfering with your sleep.

Gradually begin moving your bed time up in 10 or 15 minute increments until you are getting a full 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If possible take a 10-20 minute nap during the day. This can do wonders even if you just close your eyes and relax and never fall asleep. We are so overstimulated during our waking hours that having time to be quiet and still can help us feel more rested!

So go ahead and enjoy that morning cup of coffee prior to your run! Just remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day! Do you struggle with drinking too much caffeine or have you successfully kicked the habit to the curb? Make sure to leave a comment below and share what has worked and what has not!



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