Many runners tend to have loose bowel movements and believe that the last thing they need to do is to add more fiber to their diets. I know because I was that runner. You know the one who barely made it to the race awards because she was still in the bathroom after the race. And I was also the one needing to make several pit stops on the way home. I’ve also been known to make a mad dash to the potty during the middle of a speed work session.

Adding fiber to your diet would just make the problem worse right? Many people think that the only reason you add fiber to your diet is to relieve constipation. While that is certainly true, adding more fiber to your diet will actually help relieve diarrhea. What?!! Yes, it’s true. Read on to learn more.

What exactly is fiber?

Fiber is the roughage from plants such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and beans that resists being broken down and digested. God designed our bodies to use these natural sources to keep our intestines clean and free of toxins, hormones and waste products that, if left in our bodies can make us sick. Quite simply, fiber helps your body function optimally giving you a stronger immune system and better overall health.

There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble and our bodies need both types. Insoluble fiber creates the bulk of the fecal mass and helps move it through the intestines more quickly. This is a good thing as it rids your body of waste and toxins. You should be pooping at least 1-3 times per day.

Soluble fiber absorbs water in the digestive tract thus slowing things down and preventing diarrhea. Soluble fiber is also easily digested by the bacteria in your intestines. Insoluble and soluble fiber work together to allow your body to better absorb the nutrients from your food and eliminate toxins and waste.

How much fiber do I need?

Research shows that most Americans only consume 15 grams per day. This is well short of the USDA recommendations for 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women. Another rule of thumb the USDA recommends to help you calculate your fiber requirements is 14 grams per every 1000 calories.  Some health experts recommend eating up to 50 grams for optimal health.

How do I meet my daily fiber requirement?

Eat a variety of nutrient dense fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. Be sure to eat the skin of your apples and potatoes for an extra boost of fiber. Remember when grocery shopping to purchase those foods often found on the perimeter of the store!

Using a fiber supplement is especially helpful for runners who struggle with digestive issues including constipation, diarrhea and IBS. By using a supplement you can help address the symptoms while learning to gradually add more high fiber foods to your diet. A high quality supplement will also help your body absorb more nutrients from your food.

I recommend USANA Health Sciences’ Fibergy to all my clients. I like it because is contains 8 grams of soluble fiber and 4 grams of insoluble fiber. In addition to containing the dietary fiber psyllium, it also contains inulin. Inulin is a prebiotic which promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract that assists in the absorption of nutrients and the breakdown of foods. It is also gluten, soy and dairy free. The best part of Fibergy is it is tasteless and mixes well in water. No sawdust gross taste, I promise! (Click Here to pick up your bag of Fibergy.)

2 Important things to do when increasing your fiber

  • Start slow. Increase your fiber intake gradually so as not to experience abdominal discomfort. Add about 5 grams of fiber to your diet every 3 days. It can take you 2 to 4 weeks to build up to a high fiber diet.
  • Drink water! Soluble fiber needs liquid to absorb so that it can move through your digestive tract and do its job. Not drinking enough water is only going to keep things backed up and leave you dehydrated.

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